Working less than full-time shouldn’t mean you have to compromise on your career ambitions or potential. Here’s how to make part-time working, work for you.
Despite the fact that 1 in 4 people work part-time, there are still very few part-time jobs being advertised – particularly at more senior levels. But working less than full-time shouldn’t mean you have to compromise on your career ambitions or potential. You’re still making a significant contribution to your company, while working in a way that suits your own needs and responsibilities outside of work.
That’s why Phoenix Insights recently collaborated with the flexible work experts and social enterprise – Timewise, to create a podcast series – Part-time works. The aim of the series is to build understanding and celebrate part-time working through informative and interesting discussions of people’s experiences of part-time work.
Flexible working can support your long-term financial future
We know that 1 in 3 people are facing a shortfall in their pensions savings. This means they will have less than they need to achieve the retirement they want, when they want it. We call this the pension savings gap. Flexible working, which covers a variety of different options including part-time hours, is crucial to enable people to balance the demands of life while still being able to save for their future.
So, if you want to work part-time, how can you make sure you find, and thrive in a part-time role?
Research flexible-friendly employers
Check out specialist recruitment sites that specialise in part-time and flexible roles. Also, have a look at employers in your field of work and look for roles which say ‘happy to talk about flexible working’ or that say they are open to discuss flexibility.
At Phoenix Group flexible working is a core part of our employee offering and it's advertised as standard on all our job adverts, including being open to part-time and job share arrangements.
Reach out to your network
Tell people the type of part-time role you’re seeking. Ask people to keep a look out for you, and let you know if they hear of anything.
Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date with your recent skills and experience and add details about the type of flexible work that you are looking for. You can find lots of articles online to help you make the most out of your LinkedIn profile for job searching.
What about a job share?
A job share is when two people agree to share delivery of one job. This could be a straightforward 2.5 days each with a Wednesday handover but there are other options. Generally, both partners have similar skills and experience, however it is also possible to split roles according to skills and strengths or have a more senior/junior partnership, with one partner developing the other.
The job-sharers agree ways of working which minimise the disruption for their clients and their team. Systems really help, such as shared mailboxes, documents and diaries.
How to thrive as a part-time worker
Working part-time doesn’t need to be difficult. With clear communication, effective time management and good boundaries, you can thrive in a part-time role.
Listen to ‘Part-time works: The podcast’
We know that part-time work can be a game changer for so many people’s working lives, enhancing their ability to earn a living and to save for their future. To support part-time workers, Phoenix Insights partnered with Timewise to create a podcast series to explore, understand and celebrate good part-time working.
Timewise have also created a set of resources to help you navigate the world of part-time work which you can download on their website.
Flexible working at Phoenix Group
Our approach to flexible working means offering everyone the best possible experience and balance between work and personal lives. It covers all aspects of flexibility including when you work, how you work and where you work.