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How ready are you for retirement?

Research & insights

How ready are you for retirement?

Two Women On A Hike

As we are living longer than previous generations, being prepared for retirement has never been more important. So, we wanted to find out just how ready people are for retirement across the UK.

We polled 2,500 workers aged over 45 across the UK to see what differences there are in how people are financially preparing for retirement, and what their expectations are for when they stop working.

We found lots that we need to start talking about.

For instance, we found that there is a regional pension savings gap, with people in parts of the UK – such as those in the North West – currently saving a lot less into their retirement pots than others,  such as the East of England.

This tells us that, as well as being a national issue, the pension savings gap is something we need to address locally. 

We also found that, while some people may choose to work past their State Pension age of 66, people in the North East and Wales are the most likely to worry that they will need to do so.

And less than half of people in the UK feel comfortable talking about how they’re preparing for retirement.

Explore our interactive pensions heatmap below to find out how ready your region is for retirement.