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Helping people secure a life of possibilities

2022 performance


We are proud to be the UK’s largest long-term savings and retirement business.

With approximately £260 billion of assets under administration, we offer our c.12 million customers a comprehensive range of products across our market-leading pensions, savings and life insurance brands.

Together, we’re helping people secure a life of possibilities.

Chair statement

“Phoenix has delivered another year of clear strategic progress and strong financial performance. We are fully embedding sustainability across our business as we embrace our purpose of helping people secure a life of possibilities. Our strategic priorities are informed by our key ESG themes which are the areas where we can make the most difference, to both the planet, and to people.”

Alastair Barbour, Chair

CEO statement

“Despite the challenging economic backdrop, we continued to deliver across all areas of our strategy in 2022, and I am delighted that our strong performance has enabled the Board to recommend a 5% dividend increase for our shareholders.”

Andy Briggs, Group Chief Executive Officer

CFO statement

“Phoenix is a growing, sustainable business, and we have, once again, delivered a strong set of financial results in 2022. With £1.5 billion of cash generation, our resilient balance sheet maintained, and record organic growth of £1.2 billion of new business long-term cash generation.”

Rakesh Thakrar, Group Chief Financial Officer