1 July 2017
Sustainability Committee (Chair), Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee and Risk Committee
Career and experience:
Karen has significant financial services experience. She has held a number of senior executive roles including Chief Executive Officer of Aspen UK (comprising the principal insurance and reinsurance companies of the Aspen Insurance Holdings), Principal of MMC Capital Ltd (now Stonepoint Capital LLC) and Director of Corporate Development of GE Capital Europe Ltd. Karen has significant NED experience, including as Chair of the Audit and Remuneration Committees at Admiral Insurance Group plc, a former Council member and Chair of the Investment Committee at Lloyd’s of London, NED at Great Portland Estates plc and Risk and Audit Committee Chairs at Miller Insurance Services LLP.
Key skills and competencies:
Current external appointments:
NED and Chair of the Remuneration Committee at Admiral Group plc, Supervisory Board member and Chair of the Audit Committee of TMF Group BV, NED and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committees at Miller Insurance Services LLP, NED at Great Portland Estates plc, Adviser at Cytora Limited and Trustee of Wellbeing of Women.